Are You at Risk of Skin Cancer?

Skin cancer is the most common cancer among Americans. The American Academy of Dermatology estimates that one in five Americans will be diagnosed with skin cancer, and approximately 9,500 individuals in the U.S. are diagnosed daily. Most skin cancers are basal cell carcinoma, which is a slow-growing cancer that generally does not spread throughout the body. However, cancerous cells that are not treated and removed can invade nearby tissue, and early detection is important for full recovery. More serious types of skin cancer include squamous cell carcinoma, Merkel cell cancer, and melanoma. While the occurrence of aggressive forms of skin cancer is rare, their ability to grow quickly and metastasize requires early intervention.

Dr. Sonya Campbell Johnson is an experienced board-certified dermatologist at Dermatology Associates who treats skin cancer in Tipton, Batesville, Indianapolis, IN. If you are concerned about unknown marks on your body or would like a preventative checkup, contact Dr. Campbell Johnson for an expert evaluation and diagnostic recommendation.

What Are the Risks Associated With Skin Cancer?

Individuals who spend a great deal of time outdoors and are exposed to UV radiation from the sun are at an elevated risk of skin cancer. Those who spend a great deal of time tanning, either outdoors or in tanning beds, also experience excess exposure to UV radiation. Severe, repeated, blistering sunburns that occur during childhood and adolescence can contribute to an increased risk of developing melanoma later in life.

The American Academy of Dermatology notes that women under 30 who use tanning beds are six times more likely to develop melanoma. Other risk factors associated with skin cancer include individuals with fair skin that tends to burn easily, red or blonde hair, individuals with more than 50 moles on the body, and people with a family history of skin cancer. While most patients experience a full recovery when treating skin cancer early, the likelihood of cancerous cells re-emerging is common, and patients with a history of skin cancer are encouraged to visit their dermatologist for regular checkups.

Contact Us Today

If you live in Tipton, Batesville, Indianapolis, IN, make an appointment with Dr. Campbell Johnson if you are concerned about any changes to your skin. Warning signs for skin cancer include a mole on the body that changes in shape, color, size, or the appearance of new growths on the skin. Cancerous growths may also present as a sore that does not heal over time or a mole that is bleeding or itchy. Dr. Sonya Campbell Johnson at Dermatology Associates serves Tipton, Batesville, Indianapolis, IN. Be preventative in your health and make an appointment at Dermatology Associates today. Call (317) 257-1484.

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