Acne Treatment Options

Acne treatment is essential for improving self-esteem and quality of life and can reduce anxiety, depression, and mental and emotional stress, particularly among teenagers. If you want to treat acne conditions near Tipton, Batesville, Indianapolis, IN, contact Dr. Sonya Campbell Johnson at Dermatology Associates.

What is Ance?

Acne is a common skin condition characterized as an inflammatory disorder that occurs when the body’s hair follicles are clogged. Ance-inflamed pores may experience an excess of oil production, an accumulation of dead skin cells, or bacteria growth. Risk factors for developing acne can include an increase in the body’s male sex hormones (common during puberty), taking certain medications, or family history. Acne can be worsened by poor diet, stress, environmental irritants, or constricting clothing or sports helmets.

Acne can appear on the face, neck, or back, and can involve various types of pimples, also known as lesions. The severity of acne can range from whiteheads and blackheads to inflamed lesions known as papules. In its most serious presentation, severe nodular acne also called cystic acne, creates painful, deep lesions filled with pus. 80% of adolescents and 5% of adults experience acne, which can cause scarring of the skin if not treated properly.

Dr. Johnson maintains several state-of-the-art offices which provide comprehensive dermatologic, surgical, and cosmetic care using the latest technology and advanced techniques in medical science. For qualified acne treatment, visit Dr. Johnson in Tipton, Batesville, Indianapolis, IN.

What Treatment Options Are Available?

Treatments for acne vary depending on the severity of the condition in the patient. For mild cases of acne, benzoyl peroxide is used to diminish blocked hair follicles. Tretinoin, which is derived from Vitamin A, is also frequently used to help clear blockages in less severe forms of acne. If an infection is present, Dr. Johnson may prescribe topical or oral antibiotics, or recommend extraction of whiteheads and blackheads. Extraction involves the use of a small metal instrument to help remove elements from the blocked pore.

Treatment at Dermatology Associates involves a compassionate, specialized consultation with Dr. Johnson, an experienced board-certified dermatologist who maintains offices for acne treatment in Tipton, Batesville, Indianapolis, IN. Contact Dr. Johnson’s office at (317) 257-1484 or email [email protected] for an expert consultation today.

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8:00 am - 4:00 pm
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7:00 am - 4:00 pm
7:00 am - 12:00 pm